Your Safety & Well-Being Comes First
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are taking every precaution possible to ensure the safety of our patients, providers, and staff. As indicated by risk definitions by the CDC, the practice of dermatology falls in a lower risk category. Regardless, we are taking social distancing guidelines very seriously. You will find our spacious, airy office a welcome difference. If you are experiencing any symptoms of the coronavirus as outlined by the CDC or have a temperature higher than 99.5, we ask that you notify your primary care physician immediately; and if you have an appointment scheduled, we ask that you contact us to reschedule it. Testing centers are available throughout the Gainesville area. You can contact the Alachua County Department of Health for more information.

In an effort to limit the spread, non-patient visitors are discouraged. With the exception of small children, caregivers, or dependent individuals with a disability, we ask that non-patient visitors remain outside of the office. You must wear a mask to be permitted entry into the building, and we ask that you keep your mask in place for the duration of your visit. If you prefer, you may wait outside or in your car once you have checked in and we will call you when we are ready for your appointment.
100% of our staff have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

Basic Safety Tips
- Keep your hands clean, washing with soap and water at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer with a 60% alcohol base.
- Wear PPE (masks) that cover both your nose and mouth.
- Avoid touching your face and surfaces with unclean hands.
- Maintain clean surfaces by disinfecting often.